Monday, January 26, 2009

To Boldly Go Where Everyone Else Has Already Been..

Well, here I go. That split infinitive makes me nuts, but is just too appropriate not to use. I'm entering the blog world. We'll see how it goes. I'm random, opinionated, and irreverent. Can you take it?


  1. Whoo hoo on the new blog!!! We love you being random, opinionated and irreverent!!! We wouldn't want you any other way!!!

  2. Bring it on! We love your opinions and humor. Can't wait to read all about it. (Oh great, I'll never get anything done now.)

  3. That's what we love best about you! :)

  4. Bring it on :-) !!!!

  5. Of course we can take it! We LOVE it!!! Can't wait to read/see what you post!

  6. You bet I can take it, Laura! I am so excited that you are blogging, too! How fun I KNOW this is going to be. I always love your posts on SCS and your comments on Katie's and my blogs.
    Your banner and home page are beautiful. Can't wait to see what else you come up with! Congrats on getting this started; looking forward to seeing more!

  7. Yay, Laura! Congrats! Now, post everyday so I can read what you're up to. Like you have nothing else to do ;)

  8. YAY!!!! So happy to see you here :) I ditto Paulette - even if you have nothing but random-ness...I love it :) Congratulations - and beautiful layout my friend!!

  9. I consider myself warned and wouldn't want you any other way! Nice banner.

  10. So excited for you! I love your banner, and can't wait to read more of your thoughts.


  11. Clever, Laura, clever. I have to highlight the coments with my mouse in order to read them!

  12. Don't change a thing about yourself Laura. We like you just as you are. :)

  13. Go for it sister stamper. Seeing a new blogger always gives me hope I'll figure out the process. Opinionated is always good and irreverent is even better!

    Hugs and blessings - Jean
