So these were the color's for Dawn's color challenge this week. Purple - eek! As I have previously admitted, purple and I often butt heads. I usually win and end up trashing anything I make with it. I occassionally make something I like with purple though, and I do like it with pink. This has scarlet red too though. Yikes! I love red, but never use it with purple. Okay so now, I've used once. I think I may have used the two together in another challenge four or five years ago. This will probably be the last time. LOL.
I was almost defeated by this color challenge. I thought about it several times this week. I stared at my stamps and paper and did nothing. Now today is a very busy day at our house. Lots of fun stuff planned since the kids don't have summer session. That means no stamping until they're in bed - usually. I try not to let them watch much more than an hour of TV a day. And that time is usually spent with me sitting next to them or cooking or cleaning. So this morning they wanted to watch Sesame Street. We're sitting in the living room, talking about 6, and singing the alphabet. Then my mind wonders to this challenge. I think there is no way I'll get it done at this late date. Then I decide to drink a big cup of "suck it up" and see what I can come up with. So I literally ran to the girl cave and slapped this together - all during Elmo's World. I don't hate it and I feel a huge sense of accomplishment in not totally getting my butt kicked by these colors. Thanks, Dawn! This was really a challenge. So here's the card. I hope you like it.
My smarty pants son just came over and saw I was blogging, and promptly ran to the television and put in a VeggieTales video. The little stinker. He thinks he can sneak in a few more minutes of TV time. So with that, I'll end my loquacious diatribe and wish you a happy day. Have a good one!